We got the invite to hit up the Sabit NYC Xmas party…
it was dope because in the past I modeled their clothes in Tokyo (check “No.3” here
We hit up Sapphire lounge and Went in! Mio…set it off!
(kawaii..how could u not want some…. rolls.. jeez! rolls! sheesh!)
(Toko and the girls tearing it down! btw..some of them will rock the Apollo this coming February!)
(go Rie! go Toko… go Rei)
(Rei, Rie and Toko.. killin it)
(what up A-live!)
(BK is everywhere yo!)
(yeah yo..we’re global! u can’t mash it up any better yo!)
(rings and accessories on swoll!)
(who’s not a fan of toko and mio!)
(who’s not a fan of toko and mio part 2 :-D)
(A live powering up real fast…
(boom..ends up next to Santa’s lil helper, helping herself to some red lipstick ….A live..ur the man!)
(haha my face is priceless lol.. yeah suahd!)
(Santa getting it in)
(all the backspinning and Santa’s trimmed down… i’m saying ..this is far from dirty santa)
(lol..dirty santa)
(2 of my fav peoples..)
(we met at Mari Koda’s step up 3D party..real talk..her energy is really dope… so much fun partying with her and friends…much respect sista!)
(A live..u & Ren’s faces are saying what I was thinking. once the ladies started dancing this party got crazy! i feel u bro..i feel u!)
(it was Fourd’s Bday too! …
…Happy birthday Fourd!)
(Lol! yeah.. anaconda underwear..not for the “…average joe..doing average things..with average hoes” – method man…mio’s wilding! hahaha btw.. nice legs and bumper 0_o !!)
(support this black owned company !)
(after party meal for mio)
(the after party meal for urs truly)
(yes.. i still have jetlag dammit! AND!!!!??? lol see what had happened was i was tryin to make space for some more food.. u have to be at peace when making space so it too a moment)
Thank you Sabit NYC!.. Merry Xmas!
Shouts to Cavalier, Nelson, A-live of Greenstreet, Suahd the Brooklyn Good Guy, Raye 6, Ness, Conscious, Keish, Emjae and Ren and all those there and not there…i was wishing we were all there to vibe out it was dope!! Me and Mio had a great time kick it with the guys & linkin with Toko, Rei, Rie and more! The girls danced up a storm.. tore it down…
RAVAGE the MeccaGodZilla

RAVAGE the MeccaGodZilla

Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
word!!!! let's get it fam!
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