Below is the official donation letter we were sent from NYC’s Japan Society after donating nearly $1000 on behalf of the Domo Arigato Festival held in the Bronx this September 6, 2011. Our very own MeccaGodZilla & Mio Soul played an integral part in providing tshirts, sushi, japanese snacks and entertainment as a means to collect donations on behalf of Japan and the Japan Society. Here is a list of all the artists involved with the Domo Arigato Festival.

(click to enlarge)
We totally appreciate all that Japan has given to us and we did our best as a collectively to do our part in donating. We are grateful to have been able to share at this capacity! We are thankful for being able to work with the Japan Society NYC!
We would like to thank all the artists that visited Japan and also performed at Domo Arigato Festival!
Keisha “TastyKeish” Dutes on behalf of Domo Arigato NYC artists:
Mecca Godzilla
Raye 6
Eye 2025
Green Street (Ren, A-live, Soupa, BK Good Guy Morris, DJ Jester)
IFA Photography
Big thanks to
Chevon McIntyre thank you for totally dedicating your time to shoot for us from day 1! we appreciate you!
Additionally here are sentiments from TastyKeish, another one of the event’s organizers that sums up our additionally thanks perfectly.
“…Without the help of you, our vendors, sponsors, visual artists, musicians, and volunteers we could not have reached this goal.
We would like to personally thank Kupi Art, Depot Chica, and Evie Robbie’s Nomadness, for vending and providing products and ambiance to the community garden.
Thanks goto our live artists, Ignite Designs and John Smalls for donating their time, talent, and art. We were also able to auction John’s piece on Ebay to add to the donations. Someone in California is a very happy art owner and philanthropist because of this.
Immense thanks goto Jonathan and Lina of 808 Shirts who provided the tee shirts that drove many of the donations before and after the event. We gave some shirts to the Japan Society as well as your business cards. They were very happy. We are lucky to have had you on our team.
Thank you to our overseas friends, Music & Strength TV, EntTokyo JP, Dent Radio, (and anyone else we forgot) that took care of us and looked out for us while we were in Tokyo and from afar.
We can’t wait to continue the Domo Arigato Movement into the New Year and branch out our efforts…” -TastyKeish