“B Boys always stand out in a Crowd”
“B Boys always stand out in a Crowd” – Shux Wun For more info about SHUX WUN and what’s going on in TOKYO JAPAN visit MUSIC & STRENGTH online BUY THE RYU BLACK MUSICAL! (LIMITED EDITION CDs)NOW!
Hip Hop Music Producer, MC, Artist, Activist
“B Boys always stand out in a Crowd” – Shux Wun For more info about SHUX WUN and what’s going on in TOKYO JAPAN visit MUSIC & STRENGTH online BUY THE RYU BLACK MUSICAL! (LIMITED EDITION CDs)NOW!
Photos from the “Metsu Ansatsuken” video featuring Ruby Red of Taiwan via Vybe 1 and Ryu Black! click the below photo for more! http://www.ravagenrumble.com Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
This Friday I rock with DJ Tomoko and Ucca Laugh! 2010.11.26(fri) FRUITY FRIDAY FRUITY FRIDAY渋谷に突如登場!週末のマチガイナイPARTY!!DJ YUKIJIRUSHI, DJHIRAKATSUをレジデントとし渋谷等で活躍中の若手、中堅DJをピックアップ。 LIVEにはなんとあの DOBERMAN INC. そして… 今、マジで業界大注目の AKLO、YINGYANG、FRG、@djtomoko n Ucca-Laugh、Mecagozilla と奇跡の布陣を見逃すな!!! さらに今回はダンサーを入れての大スペシャル今週金曜日は皆で(東急ハンズ前)THE GAMEに集合〜!! ——————————————————————OPEN/START:22:00DOOR:2500 W/F2000W1DRINK FRUITY DJ’sYUKIJIRUSHIHIRAKATSUprimestyleACQUAORiYTAKAMIWAXXXRUB慎 LIVEDOBERMAN INC.AKLO(http://aklovision.blogspot.com/ http://aklo.bandcamp.com/)YINGYANG (http://yingyangproduction.com/)FRG@djtomoko n Ucca-Laugh (http://www.djtomoko-ucca.com/)Mecagozilla DANCET i –gy @THE GAME東急ハンズ前渋谷区宇田川町4-7 2F金曜日は皆でTHE GAME集合!! http://www.ravagenrumble.com/ Here’s an album you can use to fuel...