New MJ album!!!!
I can’t wait to cop this. God Bless Michael Jackson… Rest In Peace peace alwaysRAVAGE aka MeccaGodZilla Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
Hip Hop Music Producer, MC, Artist, Activist
I can’t wait to cop this. God Bless Michael Jackson… Rest In Peace peace alwaysRAVAGE aka MeccaGodZilla Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
The last Bondfire for 2010 featured me and DJ Polstyle! The Monthly Bondfire features some of NY’s dopest talents…it was an honor to rock this last joint of the year and of the decade 😉 (Tasty Keish & Tah Phrum Da Bush on the 1s & 2s) Although we got hit with a blizzard the...
We got the invite to hit up the Sabit NYC Xmas party… it was dope because in the past I modeled their clothes in Tokyo (check “No.3” here We hit up Sapphire lounge and Went in! Mio…set it off! ( could u not want some…. rolls.. jeez! rolls! sheesh!) (Toko and the girls tearing it...
I picked Ruby Red up from Narita Airport..sigh.. somehow my timing was off so I was late…as I arrived by bus I could see Ruby standing at a bus stop far away..waiting to get on a bus back to Tokyo… I had to hurry. I flew off my bus to meet her Standing almost 5...
My last show in Tokyo..the tour is done..come thru and party Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
Click here to find out how my 1st video shoot went! Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼ 2010.12.03(fri)The Six Dollar Burger vol.6~Noks [IRONY-BRAIN e.p] Release party~ Open 23:00~Door:Men 1000Ladies 500(w/1drink) ▼LiveNoks(Release LIVE)MeccaGodzilla(from NY)Chusei古川めぐみ(from 福岡)ワードストアアヌエヌエ ブレイン ▼DJsMash(ex.スケボーキング)WAXXX RUBDas(from NY)NoraReckn △▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼⇒Open23:00~DJ Reckn(50)23:50~DJ Mash(50)24:40~DJ Nora(50)01:30~Liveアヌエヌエブレイン(15)古川めぐみ(15)ワードストア(15)02:20~DJ Das(50)03:10~LiveChusei(15)MeccaGodzilla(20)Noks(20)04:00~Waxxx rub(50) Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY TASTY KEISH OF SOCIETY below for full review Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…
This Friday I rock with DJ Tomoko and Ucca Laugh! 2010.11.26(fri) FRUITY FRIDAY FRUITY FRIDAY渋谷に突如登場!週末のマチガイナイPARTY!!DJ YUKIJIRUSHI, DJHIRAKATSUをレジデントとし渋谷等で活躍中の若手、中堅DJをピックアップ。 LIVEにはなんとあの DOBERMAN INC. そして… 今、マジで業界大注目の AKLO、YINGYANG、FRG、@djtomoko n Ucca-Laugh、Mecagozilla と奇跡の布陣を見逃すな!!! さらに今回はダンサーを入れての大スペシャル今週金曜日は皆で(東急ハンズ前)THE GAMEに集合〜!! ——————————————————————OPEN/START:22:00DOOR:2500 W/F2000W1DRINK FRUITY DJ’sYUKIJIRUSHIHIRAKATSUprimestyleACQUAORiYTAKAMIWAXXXRUB慎 LIVEDOBERMAN INC.AKLO( ( n Ucca-Laugh ( DANCET i –gy @THE GAME東急ハンズ前渋谷区宇田川町4-7 2F金曜日は皆でTHE GAME集合!! Here’s an album you can use to fuel...
All ima say is YUME FEST WAS the SH*T! Japan MUSIC WEEK WAS DOPE.. the thing is the trip started off really suspect.. really rocky..but we formed a family out here and I was blessed to meet, Cavalier, Trezzure, Keish, Conscious, Emjae, Ani, Soup, Suahd, Ed and more! Thank you Applebum for lacing me with...