<svg class="herion-back-to-top"><g><line x2="227.62" y1="31.28" y2="31.28"></line><polyline points="222.62 25.78 228.12 31.28 222.62 36.78"></polyline><circle cx="224.67" cy="30.94" r="30.5" transform="rotate(180 224.67 30.94) scale(1, -1) translate(0, -61)"></circle></g></svg>


I am thoroughly enjoying the below pop music… I am really feeling the video editing here… enjoy.. the quality is really dope… i wonder what camera is being used..is it camera or just the lighting? shutter speed? what is it that makes videos look like this besides budget lol..feel free to jump in haha http://www.ravagenrumble.com...

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