<svg class="herion-back-to-top"><g><line x2="227.62" y1="31.28" y2="31.28"></line><polyline points="222.62 25.78 228.12 31.28 222.62 36.78"></polyline><circle cx="224.67" cy="30.94" r="30.5" transform="rotate(180 224.67 30.94) scale(1, -1) translate(0, -61)"></circle></g></svg>

Merry Christmas!!! (audio treats) and New Year’s girl!

Merry Christmas!!! So what are you getting into for Christmas this year? In regards to gifts…shoot…when in doubt save for those last minute saviors known as gift certificates! Below are a few holiday treats from Miami, France & Brooklyn, please enjoy and support… JAPAN ONLY:Christmas Rap (japan only!!!!) http://www.dunsindonuts.com/christmas_raps/buy/index.html Buy it here: http://shop.ab-planning.com/?pid=16864839 http://yanasepro.shop-pro.jp/?pid=16643888 http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/storeFront...

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“This is Hip Hop” Movie Trailer

This is the ruffcut trailer made by my friends from Sweden Anna and Andrea. Check it out on ubetoo now! Me and many of my peers and friends are featured in this.. Please support us by clicking the link or video below… “… We’re releasing it exclusively on ubetoo, the whole idea is to get...

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For Love of Children by Erin L. Snyder

One of my friends and former co-workers is totally getting in in! The below description of his book is hilarious and sooooo interesting! “Set in the aftermath of World War II, “For Love of Children” is a dark fantasy novel whose characters are drawn from a mythology of nursery rhymes and fairytales. Santa Claus, a...

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Just another…

Last week/ weekend was INSANE. So much from meeting actors, to attending shows, to being schoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooled by Akir in regards to being a better man and producer (DJ SARASA going to that show was the best idea yo! Thank you!!!), to chillin with Mio, DJ SARASA, cousin, friends and my sister! Happy birthday Nik.. your...

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