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@Mocada Museum with friends

A nice spring night spent with some really great peoples at the Mocada Museum in Brooklyn.. Nakamurasan was in town repping MSGR…it was an honor to really kick it with him and show him around.. we ended up at the bowery poetry club with Mr. Beats and more… enjoy the pictures below and this Random...

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Back in 1995 my boy Sim-E dropped a banger with his Miami crew LASTRAWZE. called INSTRAWMENTAL…the CD is now reissued and available.. support this joint.. Ghost Land is MY SH*T…click below to buy the CD…and read the review below INSTRAWMENTAL write up on Wax Attack Blog http://www.ravagenrumble.com Here’s an album you can use to fuel...

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Mixtape Monday? Yes sir!

Enjoy some of these amazing mixtapes from my good friends! DJ Chong Wizard’s – Bong Hits download now Monsta X – X Factor Mixtape with Video! Listen to X FACTOR tracks, including the single “Goin In”, “Hate” and “Hated” with fellow Czars Kong, Junclassic and me…RAVAGE the MeccaGodZilla, and the unbelievable “3001”, featuring Sean Price....

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陰陽 (Yin & Yang)

Last night I got to link with Mez & Final Outlaw.. we headed to Williamsburg to watch a show for Soundwave at a loft party in brooklyn.. soundwave is like a hulked out version of ninja sonik.. really sick group anyways.. like 2:46am me and Final Outlaw leave to go home..we were gonna take the...

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Home… photo by Gon (for more info email me) I am back home and I can remember once my plane landed in Newark the feeling I had. The euphoria stopped. It was so warm in Jersey, 80+ degrees. Things were okay but the demeanor of the people was different… chotto samoi yo. Maybe people are...

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TOKYO goodbyes part 1

via DJ TOMOKO’s blog entry… one of the 2 goodbye partys.. this one totally set it off.. peace and love to the amazing DJ Tomoko!!!!!! i love you sista! ************************************************************************************** 送別会 at my placeテーマ:ブログもうおなじみ NYからきているメカゴジとロンちゃんがもうすぐNYに帰ってしまうので 送別会なるものを うちのマンションのパーティールームでやりました ロンちゃんはもう今週には発ってしまいます メカゴジはあと2週間くらいはいるよ~ 写真撮ってない友達からblogにアップしてとのリクエストいただいたので だだだだーーーーーっとアップします 最初はしっとりと6~7人で飲んでました が、 メカゴジ登場により一気に人数が ある女は登場時から酔っていた~ こいつだ DJSARASA DJでマレーシア行ってたのにお疲れのところありがとう! にしても酔ったSARASAはおもろい ↓bryant, eric, katsu, teddy 皆若いbeat makerだよ! 日本語も、ちょい話せるよ! ↓うんちくん、yoshi君、ロンちゃん...

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