<svg class="herion-back-to-top"><g><line x2="227.62" y1="31.28" y2="31.28"></line><polyline points="222.62 25.78 228.12 31.28 222.62 36.78"></polyline><circle cx="224.67" cy="30.94" r="30.5" transform="rotate(180 224.67 30.94) scale(1, -1) translate(0, -61)"></circle></g></svg>


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A Beautiful Circle

If anyone knows Japan’s JR Yamanote Line, on the map it appears as a perfectly green circle of popular stations that each have a unique history.  My sista Jyue Kirishima decided to dedicate an art piece to the legacy of the Yamanote Line…and I must say, it’s awesome!  the original source is here mite kudasai. TokyoShibuyaOsakiShinagawaShimbashiYurakuchoShin-OkuboUguisudaniHamamatsuchoNipporiNishi-NipporiKandaKomagomeOtsukaTakadanobabaShinjukuOkachimachithe...

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12/3 ~Noks [IRONY-BRAIN e.p] Release party~

△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼ 2010.12.03(fri)The Six Dollar Burger vol.6~Noks [IRONY-BRAIN e.p] Release party~ Open 23:00~Door:Men 1000Ladies 500(w/1drink) ▼LiveNoks(Release LIVE)MeccaGodzilla(from NY)Chusei古川めぐみ(from 福岡)ワードストアアヌエヌエ ブレイン ▼DJsMash(ex.スケボーキング)WAXXX RUBDas(from NY)NoraReckn △▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼⇒Open23:00~DJ Reckn(50)23:50~DJ Mash(50)24:40~DJ Nora(50)01:30~Liveアヌエヌエブレイン(15)古川めぐみ(15)ワードストア(15)02:20~DJ Das(50)03:10~LiveChusei(15)MeccaGodzilla(20)Noks(20)04:00~Waxxx rub(50) http://www.ravagenrumble.com Here’s an album you can use to fuel your commute, workouts, and more…

An Evening In Tokyo – Atari Bliztkrieg

An Evening in Tokyo, the magOwl produced single, is the first track off of Atari Blitzkrieg’s latest EP, Perfect Blue. A tribute release dedicated to the late Satoshi Kon, the man behind the anime classics; Perfect Blue, Paprika and others. Featuring production by Moka Only, Jazz Spastiks, Dr. Quandary, DJ A.I. & Digital Fiend, Perfect...

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3/31 Show @Shibuya JUMP

▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△ 2010.3.31(Wed) The Six Dollar Burger presents… TIGER and RABBIT vol.0 @Shibuya JUMP Open 23:00~morning Entrance fee/1000(1D) ▼LIVE No Mark INTELLI PIYO ChuS 黒帯 4Familiez MeccaGodZilla ▼DJ PECO JAMO TAKERU Kid CHIHIRO ▼GooD FooD SARAH and Secret Guest ▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△▼△ TIME TABLE Open 23:00~ DJ TAKERU(45) 23:45~ DJ JAMO(45) 00:30~ DJ CHIHIRO(45) 01:15~LIVE PIYO(15)、INTELLI(10)、4Familiez(15) 01:55~ ChuS(40)...

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